WM promotes safe online shopping

Malware increases during the holidays

HOUSTON – The holidays are here, which means gifts are on everyone’s mind. And while online shopping
offers convenience it also is important to take precautions to protect yourself from any scams that may infect
your devices with malware.

“At Waste Management, we see a significant increase in spam and other types of malicious emails targeting
innocent people who are trying to get a good deal or quickly finish their holiday shopping,” says Michael Coogan,
director of information security. To avoid becoming a statistic, here are a few tips you should follow.

1. Email scams. Beware of emails from unfamiliar websites offering great deals. Always check the URL by resting
the mouse just above the link. If you are reading the email on your phone or tablet, this feature may not be available
so base your judgment on whether you know the sender or not. If it looks suspicious, don’t click.

2. Shop from reputable sellers. If you are unfamiliar with the seller, always do your research. The Better Business
Bureau offers a list of accredited businesses on its website and you may also find customer reviews online that
could help you determine if the site is legitimate.

3. Secure your personal information. Always make sure a website is secure before submitting your information.
At checkout, look for “https” or the padlock icon near the address bar to ensure personal data is encrypted.

4. Use a Credit Card. Avoid sending cash or wiring money to purchase a product. Credit cards are generally the
safest option since they allow buyers to seek a credit from the card issuer if the product isn’t delivered.

If you feel you were a victim of a cybercrime, reach out to local law enforcement as appropriate. If you have a security
question or topic, please email it to the Information Security team at [email protected].