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Facility Siting

The Elk River Landfill is located in the City of Elk River, Minnesota and currently encompasses a little over 270 acres of land, which meets and exceeds Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Federal standards. Elk River Landfill is regulated by three government agencies: MPCA (651-296-6300), Sherburne County (763-241-2903) and City of Elk River (763-441-4904).

Indeed, we have gone to great lengths to ensure that our facility meets or exceeds all federal and state guidelines and are continuously working to address any potential environmental impacts that our facility’s operations may cause.

Facility Features

The Elk River Landfill is designed to ensure that all possible precautions are taken to protect the surrounding environment while also allowing the facility to perform its necessary functions with a high quality of service. As a result, the facility’s design incorporates a variety of valuable technologies that help us to continually monitor the health of the landfill and provide the community with recycling benefits. Just some of our facility’s many features include:

  • Multi-layered composite liner system
  • Leachate collection and removal system
  • Active landfill gas recovery system
  • Computerized weigh station
  • Perimeter gas migration probes
  • Ground water monitoring network
  • Secure, single point of access
  • Perimeter fencing & load check program
  • Vehicle Maintenance Facility
  • Landfill administration office
  • Wood and other construction material recycling
  • Electronic waste recycling
  • Site landscaping plan

Current Project Info / Industry Issues

Waste Management is in the process of obtaining approvals for the continued development of the Elk River Landfill to meet the ever-increasing waste disposal needs. By increasing the footprint of the landfill, we are able to increase the capacity of the facility and extend its life, while significantly delaying the need for additional landfills in the community.