52 Customer Stories

#33 - Recovering a bear makes kid’s day

Fort Worth, Texas – The Worthington Renaissance Hotel, a WM customer, received
a terrific letter from the Evans family, who had recently visited the area. According to
the letter, their youngest daughter, Zoe, accidently left her stuffed bear in the hotel
room, which was later discarded and sent to a landfill. While most would overlook a
stuffed animal, this particular one had significant value. Zoe, who has epilepsy, is in
hospitals a lot and always has her bear when receiving treatment. 

Thanks to the quick thinking of WM’s local operations, the bear was recovered in
good condition. And while the family was unaware of the role WM played in retrieving
the lost item, the customer was elated.

“Although Waste Management is not mentioned in the letter this story could not have
had a happy ending without your quick response and special efforts,” said Beth
McLaughlin, assistant for the hotel. “Thanks so much for the great service your team
always delivers.”