52 Customer Stories

#9 – Customer writes letter praising Driver
Frederico Santiago

Thousand Oaks, Calif. – For this week’s story, read an excerpt from a letter sent in by a Mrs.
George Nichol, a residential customer from Southern California. 

Just a note to tell you about one of your employees, who picks up the recycling on our block
and is very helpful and polite. On two occasions, he has helped me.

One morning, I was late putting my trash cans out. When he drove by my house and saw me
trying to get them out of the gate, he stopped his truck and turned off the motor and got out
to get the buckets (all three of them). I thanked him and he had a nice smile and said, “No problem.”

The next time he was helpful was this past Friday. I was taking my dog for her morning walk, when
I noticed a lady down the block didn’t have her buckets out. Since she is in a wheelchair, I decided
to bring them out for her. I was trying to get it out and keep my dog in hand, when your driver saw
me and got out to help.

It seems that when something goes wrong, everyone lets you know. I like to let people know when
they not only do their job, but give a little more than they have to. Thanks for your time.