Planting the Seeds of a Sustainable Planet
We’re reinventing what’s possible to enable a more sustainable world.

Climate Impact
Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2031 from a 2021 base year.1 Target beneficial use of 65% of our captured landfill gas by 2026.
Diversity & Inclusion
Represent the communities we serve, including opportunities for: female representation in frontline to leadership roles, and minority representation in manager and above roles.2
Increase recovery of materials by 60% to 25M tons per year by 2030, including an interim milestone of a 25% increase by 2025.
Reduce Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR), targeting 2.0 by 2030; and continued focus on prevention of serious injuries.
Social Impact
Positively impact 10 million people in our communities through targeted social impact programs by 2030, using the equivalent of 2% of our net income.
To learn more about our efforts in each of these areas, visit our Sustainability Hub.
1The target boundary includes land-related emission and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.
2Minority representation references both racial and ethnic characteristics self-identified by team members for U.S. workforce only.
Taking Action Today
WM is proud to be on the frontlines of environmental stewardship, responsibly handling waste and recycling while living our commitments to people and the planet.

We're impacting
the communities we call home.

We're building
sustainable technology and infrastructure.

We're sharing
resources to help people Recycle Right®.

We're impacting
the communities we call home.

We're building
sustainable technology and infrastructure.

We're sharing
resources to help people Recycle Right®.
Investing in Tomorrow
Our key initiatives are focused on reducing environmental impact, facilitating circularity and empowering people to live sustainably.
To reduce emissions from our trucks, we didn't just switch to renewable fuels; we started producing them by capturing gases our landfills release and converting them to low-carbon fuel that powers a significant portion of our fleet.
We incorporated advanced data-collection technology into our trucks, making collection safer and more efficient while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
We also placed our first robot in a recycling facility located in Houston. Robotics at WM Recycling Facilities across North America enhance quality control and worker safety.
We made recycling more convenient by utilizing single-stream recycling on a mass scale. But recycling markets started to shift, causing more non-recyclable items to show up at our facilities. So we created new domestic markets to help absorb more materials.
We've collaborated with other sustainability leaders such as Dow and Repreve to find new ways of tackling old challenges stemming from difficult materials.