Tell us how you want to connect and we'll put you in touch with an agent.
How do I search for landfill information and all-inclusive disposal solutions?
Find details about WM facilities near you and their services and availability.
Residential trash and recycling
To find the nearest trash or recycling drop-off location:
- Visit our Drop-Off Locations page.
- Enter your address and select Recycling or Trash Disposal.
The map includes internal WM facilities and commercial drop-off locations. If the only facility near you is closed to the public, click the “Request Help” button below.
Commercial and industrial waste
Access to WM landfills and recycling facilities, along with accepted materials, varies by location. Click here to find a list of:
- A complete listing of WM landfills
- Accepted waste types
- Hours of operation
- Holiday schedules
- Accepted payment types
For industrial hazardous waste disposal click here.
If you are looking for more information about WM’s environmental and sustainability services, click here.
WM also has more information for environmental solutions tailored for your industry and specific needs, click here.
To find out specific drop-off requirements, whether an existing customer agreement is required or if there are any additional charges based on weight or special materials like mattresses, tires, or electronics, use the "Request Help" button.
Information in this article may be inapplicable to customers who receive service pursuant to a WM agreement with a municipality, association or other entity, or where applicable law requires differing terms of service.
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