Tell us how you want to connect and we'll put you in touch with an agent.
What is a My WM account?
A My WM account gives you access to all your service information from the online dashboard. Use your account to manage billing, request services, view pickup schedules and more.
Starting from the homepage:
- In the upper right section of the screen, click Log In
- Click Create Your Online Profile
- Enter your information and click Sign Up. If successful, you will see a "Verify Email" page and an email will be sent to the address in your profile with the subject "Complete Your Registration".
- From the "Complete Your Registration" email, click Confirm Email.
- Log in to your profile and follow the prompts to customize your profile.
Note: A verification email will be sent to you to confirm registration. If no email is received, check your spam folder.
Information in this article may be inapplicable to customers who receive service pursuant to a WM agreement with a municipality, association or other entity, or where applicable law requires differing terms of service.
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