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Terms of Use - Text Notifications for National Account Customers
Terms of Use - Text Notifications for National Account Customers
Text Notification Eligibility
Our text notification feature is available only to National Account customers who have signed up to receive these messages. Our text notification feature applies to mobile numbers for U.S. only. Landline and international numbers are not eligible for this feature.
How to Start Receiving Text Notifications from Waste Management
If text notifications are available for your National Account, you may receive an email from Waste Management inviting you to opt in to receive service-related, non-marketing notifications on your mobile device. You will be asked to click a link to confirm your intent to receive these messages.
After you click the opt-in link in the email from Waste Management, you will be sent an opt-in message from our shortcode 60334 and 32339 on your mobile device. It will instruct you to reply YES to confirm your enrollment. An additional text message will be sent to you to confirm that you have opted into this feature. Message frequency varies.
To stop text notifications from Waste Management, you can reply STOP to any text message from WM. You will be sent one additional text message confirming that we have removed you from receiving any future text message notifications. You can also reply HELP for help.
Type of Text Notifications You Will Receive
Text notifications from us will only include information on your services and updates on your account. You will not be sent any sales or marketing-related text notifications.
Text Notifications Charges
We do not charge you to send you text messages. However, depending on your mobile service plan, standard messaging and data rates may apply from your carrier. Please check your mobile plan for more information. Texts are supported by most carriers, including AT&T, Sprint/Boost/Virgin, T-Mobile*/MetroPCS, Verizon Wireless, CellCom USA, C Spire Wireless, U.S. Cellular, Carolina West Wireless (CWW), and Google Voice.
*All carriers, including T-Mobile, are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.
How We Secure Your Personal Information
Please click on this Privacy Policy Link for full terms of our policy.
Information in this article may be inapplicable to customers who receive service pursuant to a WM agreement with a municipality, association or other entity, or where applicable law requires differing terms of service.
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