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Service Questions
Learn about your services, including pickup schedule, weather alerts, container repairs or reporting a missed pickup.
How can I tell if my waste pickup was delayed or missed?
How do I request an extra pickup?
How do I check my order status?
How do I view my next pickup?
What is my recycling schedule if I'm serviced every other week?
What if my next pickup date falls on a holiday?
How do I get notified and prepare for severe weather?
How do I dispose of trash and waste after a hurricane or storm?
How do I best winterize my farm?
How do I prepare an enclosure for winter weather?
Change Services
How do I change my services?
How do I put my service on a seasonal or vacation pause?
I have a question about my service agreement with WM
How do I add new trash or recycling service?
How do I cancel a one-time request or recurring service with WM?
How do I leave instructions for my driver?
How do I make changes to my service or pickup frequency?
How do I cancel my service change order?
How do I edit or cancel an empty and return request?
How do I cancel a service?
I'm moving, what do I need to do with my service?
Container Delivery, Locks, Repair, or Relocation
How can I prepare for pickups?
How do I get my container relocated?
How do I replace a missing or damaged trash/recycling can?
Where can I get a lock or other accessories for my container?
How does container delivery work?
Do you need a permit for your container placement?
How do I report a lost or stolen container?
How should I handle odors coming from my container?
How do I stay green and dispose of items the right way during the holiday season?
How do I request a Christmas tree pickup?
How will holidays affect delivery of my new container?
How can I stay green during the holidays?
What schedule should I expect during the holidays?