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How can I prepare for pickups?
Find tips on preparing for pickups for your home, business or roll-off dumpster.
For All Services
- To view your next service date, log in to My WM and click View ETA under "My Services."
- View your My WM preferences and opt in to notifications to stay informed about your pickup schedule and potential delays.
- To change or cancel a scheduled service, or adjust a lock service, log in to My WM and select Manage My Services.
For Residential Pickups
Depending on local ordinances, proper container placement may vary.
- Leave your container in its designated pickup area and clear of any obstacles or hazards like wires and branches.
- Make sure the lid on your container is closed and, if applicable, unlocked. Excess material may result in additional charges. Wheels and handle should face your home.
- Place your container off of the sidewalk, at least 3 feet from other objects and within 3 feet of the street.
- Keep a lid on overages. All materials must fit in your cart(s), and the lid(s) must be fully closed. You may be charged if excess material is found on the ground, on top of a lid or prevents a lid from closing.
- Put materials in the right containers — never mix trash or recyclables. Visit Recycle Right® for more information, rules and resources
For Roll-Off Dumpster Pickups

When tossing items into your container, please ensure items are evenly distributed and don’t stick out over the rim Always exclude any non-acceptable or hazardous materials and stay below the container’s maximum tonnage.
Need an extra haul? Log in to My WM or use the button
Information in this article may be inapplicable to customers who receive service pursuant to a WM agreement with a municipality, association or other entity, or where applicable law requires differing terms of service.
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