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How do I cancel a one-time request or recurring service with WM?
Learn how to cancel a one-time request like a bulk pickup, container repair, extra pickup, or a recurring trash/recycling service.
Cancel a one-time request
- Log in to My WM and click on Order History in the “My Services” section.
- Orders are organized into “Upcoming”, “Attempted/Closed” or “Canceled/Voided”.
- In the “Upcoming” section, click the order you want to cancel to open the Cancel Request dialogue box.
- Click the Cancel Request button and follow the steps to cancel your order.
Cancel recurring trash/recycling service
Canceling service prior to the end of a contract may result in early termination charges. Charges may vary depending on the area you’re in and the type of service you have. To cancel trash or recycling service:
- Find your Customer ID, located at the top right corner of your invoice.
- Scroll down to the “Still Need Help?” section and click Request Help.
- Log in to My WM or continue as a guest by entering your address to see support options.
- Depending on what’s available, you’ll be able to talk over chat or submit a form with your request.
Information in this article may be inapplicable to customers who receive service pursuant to a WM agreement with a municipality, association or other entity, or where applicable law requires differing terms of service.
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