Renewable Energy
With a steadfast commitment to sustainability, WM is breaking new ground in the production of biogas and other renewables.
Redefining Our Approach
Landfill Gas-To-Energy
Look below the surface and you’ll see cutting-edge technology powering the largest landfill-gas-to-energy producer in North America. Through the production, storage, distribution and transmission of methane gas, WM provides a crucial source of power for residences, businesses and our trucks.

Environmental Benefits of Renewable Energy
Environmental Benefits of Renewable Energy
Environmental Benefits of Renewable Energy
Replacing Fossil Fuels
Last year we committed to finding new and innovative ways to capture clean-burning natural gas from our landfills and use it to fuel our trucks.
Landfills Become Solar Energy Fields
We've reclaimed former landfill space to turn into solar fields. Our closed landfills are ideal for these projects because of their large scale and close proximity to existing infrastructure.
Powering Our Neighborhoods
With the energy generated by our landfill gas to energy programs and our solar energy reclamation projects, we’re powering over 460,000 homes.
Partnering to Revitalize Landfills
Old Landfills Are Having Their Day in the Sun
Our belief in beneficial reuse doesn’t just apply to the materials we take in, but also to the landfills that safely hold those materials. We’ve helped seven closed landfill sites continue to be useful by partnering with the Citizens Energy Corporation and Captona Partners on the first four projects to install solar panels on closed landfill sites. These solar fields power homes in the region, and we’re not stopping there. We're planning on expanding the program to different areas across the country.