WM’s Delaware Recyclable Products Inc. Landfill (DRPI) in New Castle provides a critical environmental service to Delaware and communities in the Delaware Valley. We provide safe and affordable disposal for residual wastes including construction and demolition debris, waste from industrial processes and other Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) approved waste streams.
We do not accept liquid waste, municipal solid waste, chemical or medical wastes, or hazardous waste. DRPI was once the site for a variety of industrial activities, including a construction materials operation. The facility later became a C&D landfill in the early 1980’s and part of WM in the late 1990’s.
DRPI operates on 205 acres which include the landfill’s 145-acre disposal area and 38 additional acres, much of which is wooded buffer area. DRPI is permitted to accept up to 2,400 tons of waste of day and employees about a dozen professionals dedicated to safe operations and environmental protection.
To see current weather conditions and other site date for the DRIP Landfill click here.