Trash and Recycling Pickup in Jacksonville, NC
With WM, you’ll find an experienced, local team committed to delivering the safest, most-reliable trash and recycling pickup to the residents of Jacksonville, NC. As the world’s leading provider of sustainability services, we’re dedicated to improving the environment starting with a commitment to keep your own Jacksonville-area neighborhood safe, clean and green. We do this by making investments in modern landfills, rigorous safety training and preventative truck maintenance.
Check for trash service availability near you today.
WM | Residential Trash Services Done Right in Jacksonville, North Carolina
WM | Jacksonville, North Carolina
Drop-Off Locations
Waste Services for Every Need
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) For Residential Trash Pickup in the Jacksonville, NC Area
We are honored to be your neighbor - working, living and playing in the local Jacksonville area. We go above and beyond to keep our community and the environment as clean and safe as possible.
- Wheel your carts to the street and place curbside before 6:00 a.m. on your collection day. Do not overload carts. The cart lids must close completely. Overage fees may apply to overflowing carts. Make sure that debris is in the cart. Garbage or waste left beside carts may not be collected.
- The following hazardous household waste items should NOT be treated as everyday garbage and should NOT be disposed of curbside, in your totes, bins or carts:
- Batteries
- Electronics
- Fluorescent light bulbs
- Paint and paint cans
- Used motor oil & filters
- Prescription medications
- While acceptable materials may vary by location, the list of items below are usually allowed in the everyday trash you dispose of in your curbside toter, bin, can or container.
- Diapers
- Disposable razors
- Cactus & palm branches
- Cat litter & pet feces
- Glassware & ceramic dishes/cups
- Hoses & wire
- Juice boxes/pouches
- Non-fluorescent light bulbs
- Sheet glass (windows, mirrors, etc.)
- Foam cups or packing materials
- Treated wood (painted, stained, etc.)
- Organic or green waste refers to biodegradable items made of all natural materials. Items included in this category include:
- All meat, bones, dairy & eggshells
- Bread, rice, beans & pasta
- Coffee grounds, filters, tea leaves & bags
- Food-soiled paper containers
- Fruits, vegetables & leftovers
- Paper towels, plates, napkins & cups
- Shredded paper contained in paper bags
- Waxed paper cartons (milk, ice cream, juice, etc.)
- Yard Trimmings, such as:
- -Branches & twigs
- -Flowers, weeds & roots
- -Leaves, grass & plant clippings
- -Uncoated wood & chips
- Scheduled bulk pickups are available to certain WM customers. Terms, fees and conditions may apply. Learn more and easily schedule your “bulky” pickup from your My WM account. Items considered bulky include:
- Appliances, TVs & electronics
- Household furniture
- Scrap metal
- Tires – up to 4 car or light truck tires separated from rims
- Yard trimmings – bundled for composting
- Household baking soda can work wonders at removing trash container smells. Add ¼ cup baking soda to your trash receptacle at the beginning of each week. Trash containers, bins and totes can be washed with regular soap and water. The best time to add the baking soda is when the containers are dry and clean. Clean cat litter can also be substituted for baking soda.
- WM customers can contact us to replace a lost receptacle. In some cases, you may be redirected to your municipality for add-a-can service and support.
- Some items are too hazardous for disposal in a landfill. Search for a drop off location that accepts these items and plan to dispose of them accordingly. Fees, terms, and conditions may apply.
- Paint, stain, varnish, thinner and adhesives
- Automotive products such as old fuel, anti-freeze, brake fluid, motor oil and oil filters
- Household cleaners with ammonia or bleach
- Aerosol cans
- Fluorescent light bulbs and lamps
- Computer equipment
- Dead animals
- Garden products including pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers
- Propane tanks and fire extinguishers
- Pool or photographic chemicals
- Thermostats, thermometers and other items containing mercury
- Expired prescriptions and non-prescription medications (no controlled substances)
- Sharps (syringes, needles, etc.)*
- Ammunitions, firearms**
*WM has a mail-back service for sharps disposal. Contact us to arrange this service.
**WM does not accept these items. Contact your local police or sheriff’s office for disposal instructions.