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Waste Management is continuously working together with the community to increase the recycling efforts. We strongly encourage you to participate each week by placing all acceptable recycling materials in your designated recycling cart and place at curbside on your regularly scheduled service day.

Just remember the 3 R’s – REDUCE, REUSE & RECYCLE!

  • REDUCE: the amount of garbage you create.
  • REUSE: still functioning products.
  • RECYCLE: the items by donating or selling them to someone or a local organization
  •  Acceptable Materials for Curbside Recycling

    Beverage cans (empty and clean)
    Bottles and containers labeled #1 - #7 Look for the recycle symbol on the bottom of the container (empty and clean - labels ok)
    All food and beverage containers that are brown, green and clear (empty and clean - labels & lids ok)
    Metal Containers
    All metal, food and beverage containers and scrap metal (empty and clean - labels ok)
    And everything else that comes in it
    Color, white and office paper
    Paper bags, cereal and food boxes, egg cartons, shoe boxes (flatten down to make room for more recyclables!)
    Tin, junk mail, magazines and telephone books

    Non-Acceptable Materials for Curbside Recycling

    Hazardous Waste Materials
    Batteries, tires, oil, paint, anti-freeze
    Yard Waste
    Branches, leaves, plants
    Animal Manure
    Tissue Paper
    Food Waste
    Pizza Boxes
    Gift Wrap

    For more information or questions on recycling services available in your area, please contact our Recycling Coordinator at (661) 223-3411. 


    Freecycle is a grassroots community movement and nonprofit organization, based on the web, made up of individual city groups that promote waste reuse among their members. Members have the opportunity to give and get great things for free, in an effort to keep unnecessary waste out of landfills. Join an existing group in Palmdale or Lancaster or start your own today!


    CalMAX is a free service designed to help businesses and residents in California find markets for nonhazardous materials they have traditionally discarded. CalMAX helps businesses and residents find alternatives to the disposal of valuable materials or wastes through waste exchange.


    Recycled Products
    Did you know that recycled items not only stay out of landfills, but also are remade into new products? There are thousands of products on the market today that are made from recycled goods.


    Tire Recycling


    Refrigerator Recycling

    • Lancaster single-family residents may call the Customer Service Department to arrange for once-a-year refrigerator pickup. The service account must be in good standing prior to arranging for the special service.
    • Southern California Edison (800) 234-9722
      (Refrigerators and freezers must be in working condition)
    • Antelope Valley Recycling & Disposal Facility and Lancaster Landfill & Recycling Center will accept refrigerators and freezers at a nominal fee.