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WM Multi Family Recycling Program

WM is pleased to offer a recycling program specifically designed to meet the needs of each unique apartment, condominium, and mobile home complex.

How Do I Start a Recycling Program at My Complex?

WM has designed a simple, efficient recycling program for multi-family complexes. However, any program will require planning and continued maintenance. Therefore, we require the approval of Property Management, or other decision makers, before implementing any new program.

Tenants - Tenants need the consent of the property owner or property manager in order to register to participate in the multifamily recycling program. We encourage you to contact your property manager to begin this process. If you do not receive approval to implement a building-wide program, you can still recycle by bringing recyclable items to drop off centers in your community.

For more information on drop off centers, CLICK HERE.

Owners/ Property Manager/ Board Members with decision making authority can call WM directly to being the new recycling program through WM Customer Service at 661-947-7197. CLICK HERE for an online request.

When contacting us to begin the new recycling program, please have the following information available:

  • Property Address
  • Property Manager’s name, phone number, and email
  • Number of units

Our Recycling Coordinator will work with you to develop a plan based on the needs and characteristics of your complex.

Starting a Recycling Program

Starting a recycling program is easy and FREE! Simply contact Waste Management to learn more.

Outreach Materials Available

We’re here to help! We will work with you to minimize contamination and educate residents every step of the way! In addition to the educational flyers and materials, we’re happy to schedule recycling “How-To” workshops at your convenience. Just contact our recycling expert at (661) 223-3424 to schedule.


  • Is there any cost to property owners and tenants that participate in the program?
    There is no additional cost to participate in the program. In fact, successful recycling programs can often save you management or property owners money on their waste collection bills!

  • Can tenants enroll the multifamily residential property they currently live in?
    Tenants must receive the consent of their Property Manager, Owner, or Board of Directors to implement the program. If you’re a tenant looking to start a recycling program, we encourage you to contact your property manager to get started.

  • Will our building have problems with scavengers coming on to the property?
    Scavenging, the unauthorized collection of recyclable materials is illegal and negatively impacts your complexes recycling efforts.

    WM staff will develop a program to minimize the risk and impact of scavengers coming onto your property to illegally remove recyclable materials. We will do this by placing your bin or cart in a secure location and providing tips to maintenance staff to prevent scavenging on the property. Should someone enter your property to collect recyclables, you can call your law enforcement agency’s non-emergency line.

  • Is recycling mandatory?
    Beginning July 2012, multi-family recycling will be mandatory in the State of California. Get a head start and start your recycling program today!

  • What is recyclable?

    Plastic Bottles
    Aluminum Cans
    Glass Bottles/Jars
    All Clean Paper
    All Envelopes
    Manila Folders & File Folders
    Magazines & Newspaper
    Glossy Paper
    Cereal & Cracker Boxes
    Telephone books
    Junk Mail
    Steel Cans
    Tin Cans
    Six Pack Boxes
    Plastic Tubs & Containers
    Clean Aluminum Foil
    Clean Pizza Boxes
    Paper coffee cups
    Clean Lunch Bags & Baggies
    Clean Plastic Wrapping
    Plastic Hangers
    Metal Hangers
    Milk & Juice Cartons
    Plastic Bags

    All Food
    All Liquid
    Foam cups or packing materials
    Paper Towels
    Dirty Aluminum Foil
    Broken Dishes or Glass
    Wood or Lumber
    Light Bulbs
    Wax Coated Paper
    Animal Waste
    Foil Chip Bags
    Small Furniture
    Garden Pots
    Ceramic Dishes & mugs
    Drinking Glasses
    Greasy or Sharp Metal
    Laminated Paper
    Soiled Food Containers
    Food Soiled Paper (eg. paper plate)
    Plant Trimmings
    Foam cups or packing materials

  • Why Is Starting a Program Now Important?
    After July 2012, Multi-family recycling for complexes with 5 or more units is the law in the State of California! We are an important resource to help you launch a FREE and convenient program at your complex in time to meet this requirement.

Contact Info:

To get your program started, contact: Customer Service - (661) 947-7197

To discuss outreach options or schedule a presentation, contact: Recycling Coordinator - (661) 223-3424

Background on Legislation That Supports Multi-Family Recycling Programs

AB 818- Renter’s Right to Recycle Act
The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 establishes an integrated waste management program administered by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery. The act requires a local jurisdiction to adopt an ordinance requiring the provision of adequate areas for collecting and loading recyclable materials in development projects, including residential buildings having 5 or more living units.

This bill would enact the Renters’ Right to Recycle Act, to require an owner of a multifamily dwelling, defined as a residential facility that consists of 5 or more living units, to arrange for recycling services that are appropriate and available for the multifamily dwelling, consistent with state or local laws or requirements applicable to the collection, handling, or recycling of solid waste, except as provided.

AB341- California’s Mandatory Commercial Recycling Law
With the passage of AB341, California is one of the first states in the nation to enact a statewide program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by diverting commercial solid waste from landfills.

Increasing the recovery of recyclable materials will directly reduce GHG emissions. In particular, recycled materials can reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from multiple phases of product production including extraction of raw materials, preprocessing and manufacturing. A co-benefit of increased recycling is avoided methane emissions at landfills from the decomposition of organic materials. The commercial sector generates nearly three fourths of the solid waste in California, with much of the commercial sector waste disposed in landfills readily recyclable. With the passage of AB 341, businesses are required to recycle, thus resulting in an expansion in commercial recycling activities and recycling manufacturing