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Waste Management, Inc. is the leading provider of comprehensive waste and environmental services in North America. The company is strongly committed to a foundation of financial strength, operating excellence and professionalism.

Waste Management tailors its services to meet the needs of each customer group and to ensure consistent, superior service at the local level. Headquartered in Houston, the company's network of operations includes 429 collection operations, 366 transfer stations, 289 active landfill disposal sites, 17 waste-to-energy plants, 138 recycling plants and 85 beneficial-use landfill gas projects. These assets enable Waste Management to offer a full range of environmental services to nearly 21 million residential, industrial, municipal and commercial customers.

Waste Management believes the issues surrounding the quality of our earth, air and water are big issues and they call for big solutions. At WM, merely complying with laws and regulations designed to stop environmentally damaging practices is not enough, not by a long shot. WM is always looking for ways to use its knowledge and experience for a greater good, because it is plainly and simply the right thing to do.

WM invests time and resources in the development of innovative ideas that produce measurable results, because the results not only provide immediate benefits, but also produce critical new knowledge that can be shared with others. WM joins resources with regulatory commissions, communities, citizens and other companies to seek solutions together, because on its own WM can make a start-but together a difference can be made.