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Environmental Protection

Waste Management believes the issues surrounding the quality of our earth, air and water are big issues and they call for big solutions. At Waste Management, merely complying with laws and regulations designed to stop environmentally damaging practices is not enough. Waste Management is always looking for ways to use its knowledge and experience for a greater good, because it is plainly and simply the right thing to do. 

Waste Management invests time and resources in the development of innovative ideas that produce measurable results, because the results not only provide immediate benefits, but also produce critical new knowledge that can be shared with others. Waste Management joins resources with regulatory commissions, communities, citizens and other companies to seek solutions together, because on our own we can make a start-but together we can make a difference.

Protection of the environment is a core value and we require our operations to abide by current environmental regulations, and reduce or eliminate impacts to the environment and the community, as a prime measure of performance.

Environmental Policy

Waste Management is committed to protecting human health and the environment. This commitment is a keystone of all that we do, reflected in the services we provide to customers, the design and operation of our facilities, the conditions under which employees work, and our interactions with communities where we live and do business. We will be responsible stewards of the environment and protect the health and well being of our employees and neighbors. The following environmental, health and safety principles are applicable to Company operations worldwide: 

  • Protection
    We conduct all operations in a manner that protects the environment and our employees, neighbors and customers.
  • Compliance
    We comply with all federal, state and local agency regulations, and will proactively implement programs and procedures to ensure compliance.
  • Conservation
    We practice and promote conservation of nature and the earth's energy resources.

Waste Management’s Environmental Policy states, in part that:

Waste Management is committed to protecting human health and the environment. This commitment is a keystone of all that we do, reflected in the services we provide to customers, the design and operation of our facilities, the conditions under which employees work, and our interactions with the communities where we live and do business. We will be responsible stewards of the environment and protect the health and wellbeing of our employees and neighbors.

WM Environmental Management System (EMS) 

Waste Management's Environmental Management System (EMS) reflects our emphasis on continuous improvement in operations by measuring and evaluating its environmental performance. EMS involves a continuous improvement process that is supported by internal technical teams and implemented at all of our operations.

Waste Management is committed to ensuring advanced protection of the environment, compliance with governmental regulations and implementation of state-of-the-art technology. These efforts distinguish Waste Management as the foremost leader in environmental protection and solid waste management excellence.

Waste Management's Environmental Management System (EMS) is comprised of five integrated components including:

  • Policy
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Assessment and Corrective Action
  • Management Review Processes