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Recycling one ton of steel:

Saves 642 kWh of energy
Saves 1.8 barrels (76 gallons) of oil
Saves 10.9 million Btu's of energy
Saves 4 cubic yards of landfill space

Steel Recycling Tips 

  • Prepare steel cans for recycling by rinsing them with water to remove any food residue. 
  • To save space, remove both ends of the steel can and crush flat. 
  • Labels on the steel cans do not have to be removed since they are burned off during the melting process.

Did You Know? 

  • Steel cans, which are used for holding coffee, vegetables and other food products are often referred to as tin cans, but there is only 0.15% tin in a steel can.
  • The United States throws away enough iron and steel to continuously supply all the nation's automakers.
  • The average passenger tire contains approximately 10% steel wire by weight.